Stepping Stone Theatre For Mental Health


Stepping Stone Theatre was founded by Kate and Bill Rodgers as a platform to give people living with mental health challenges, a voice to share with others and tell others what it is like living with a mental illness. This is all done in a safe, non-judgmental, non-stigmatising way. Stepping Stone Theatre gives a voice to people who very often find it difficult to speak for themselves.

Our impact in numbers

1 IN 4

One in four people in the world are touched by some kind of mental health challenge. We try very hard to support as many people as we can. We do support as many as we can


1400 Lock Down Legacy booklets written, printed and distributed. All written by service users and people who struggle with mental illness. Read by many more thousands


Workshops, pod casts, live shows, live broadcasts and drop in groups Stepping Stone Theatre For Mental has run over the past ten years

Care & Community

Community is the key

Stepping Stone Theatre For Mental Health spends a vast amount of its time working in the community offering a wide variety of activities including walking groups, writing groups, singing groups and drama groups all under the umbrella of creating a better understanding of mental illness and helping to rid the stigma which often surrounds mental illness.


Stepping Stone Theatre In The Community

Whether you are a doctor, teacher, train driver or nurse; we all need to have some fun in our busy lives. Stepping Stone Theatre for Mental Heath are often seen in the community doing one of our fun mental health 'GLIDE' flash mobs. It's a great way to promote good mental community health and alleviate some day to day stresses.


Community Writing Workshops

Stepping Stone Theatre are great exponents of getting people to tell their mental health stories. It is a brilliant cathartic way to share how you treat your challenges. The legacy books are full of inspiring and heartfelt stories of mental health challenges and the road to recovery.


Mental Health and Creativity

It has been proven that creative endeavours such as theatre and writing can help with the mental health journey and also help people on the recovery road. Stepping Stone Theatre For Mental Health whole heartedly supports this.


Every Day Well Being

"Try Something New Everyday. Painting, poetry or write a  pop song or even just jot your thoughts in a journal. You will be surprised at the results"

Don't Be Alone

"Join a group, such as an art group or a writing group. You will be surprised how many people are going through exactly the same as you. Don't suffer in silence"

Practice self care

"Do something every day to help with your self care. Eat well, Sleep Well. Give yourself a reward for a job well done. Be kind to yourself. and respect your down time."

Kate and Bill Rodgers, co founders of Stepping Stone Theatre For Mental Health

"Tragedy will become Comedy with time"

“We all have mental health, we all have a voice and we are all creative. We must learn to encourage all three of those elements to work together and create a healing chord”  -

Kate and Bill

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